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Installing AOE HD on mac

 I researched several solutions to play AOE HD on my mac. AOE II HD is only available for Windows on steam. So i searched and tried out several things to play AOE II HD on mac. Finally this is what i was able to get it working.

  1. Buy the AOE II HD on steam. 
    1. Install steam on your mac from steam web site.
    2. Create a steam account.
    3. Buy the AOE II HD packages you want.
  2. Install playonmac. 
    1. Install the playonmac from this site:
    2. Create a new virtual drive.
    3. Click on Configure
    4. select the virtual drive you want.
    5. Select "Install components" tab and click on "Steam".
    6. this will install steam on this virtual drive
    7. Make a shortcut from "Make a new shortcut on this virtual drive"
  3. Open steam in playonmac:
    1. Open the steam that you installed in playonmac virtual drive.
    2. Login using your steam credentials.
    3. Now steam will show your games that you have in your steam library.
  4. Setting up for installing AOE II HD.
    1. Click on install for AOE II HD game. (click play icon)
    2. You might see error saying "Content servers unavailable" 
    3. For this you have to do the following to mitigate this error: (source link)
      1. In the playonmac "Steam" icon -> right click and select "Open the directory"
      2. navigate to folder "drive_c/Program Files/Steam/config/" and open the file "config.vdf"
      3. Search for the following and paste this line
      4. > "InstallConfigStore" > { > "Software" > { > "Valve" > { > "Steam" > 
      5. > "CS" ";;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;"
    4. this will download all components and install game in the steam.
  5. Playing AOE II HD. 
    1. Click play on the icon in the steam.
    2. if you dont see the game opened, then the following might be the solution: (source link)
      1. In your Steam Game Library, find the game. Right click it and click Properties.
      2. Click the “Set launch options…” button.
      3. Type in NoStartUp and click OK.
      4. Click the “Local files” tab.
      5. Click the “Browse local files…” button to open the game folder.
      6. Delete (or rename) “Launcher”.
      7. Make a copy of “AoK HD” (right-click, copy). This may be tricky, and you may not be able to copy the file in the same folder or the copied file may not be visible right away. You can always copy the file to some other folder, rename it there, and cut-paste it back at the original location. The new file will eventually appear.
      8. Rename the copy to “Launcher”.
      9. Go back to the Steam properties window and click Close.
  6. Hurray now AOE II HD is live on mac.


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